This is the element of these sort of song because if you listen to dragonball Zs opening it is all mega energy, no holding the voice back. Enter slow, build up and pull a false let-down to then hyper ramp up. Come in fast, slow down for a moment then kick it back in.
I listened to your haru-song and my god I loved that, you clearly have a great voice and lots of talent so far be it from me to say you are doing it wrong but sometimes, you just need to stop with being slow paced and just crank it up.
Like I said, it may just be your style and it is nice but you seem to have some sort of weird conflict, you sound like in your songs like you are trying to getting power and energy out of your voice but yet because of the fact you hold back you never get there. It is like revving up a card getting dropped from a plane and then only going 10MPH. Never do build ups if you never kick it in to something fast. That song kicks in and you really put some speed and pace on it. Rest of it is good though, but I find this with a lot of your work I hear and I came upon your work via average girl. If you kicked it in and put some real energy into the main verses then this would of been amazing. His instrumental cover of the Dragon Ball Z 3 / Budokai 3 opening theme song (Ore Wa Tokoton Tomaranai) mixes live guitars with programmed drums. Kamehameha spoken by James Lee (Thanks James!!!) :D Among a plethora of other video game songs, TheDelRe has produced a few Dragon Ball video game cover songs. Heart of gold with power levels so insane over 9000 Yeah, it sounds nothing like the original - but I love the show and I wanted to base it on the theme song that I grew up with.
#Dragon ball z song download series#
This song is inspired by the opening theme song "Rock the Dragon" from the popular (and awesome) TV series that I grew up on DRAGON BALL Z. Dragon Ball Z Resurrection 'F' Song - 'F'.